

Source: Virage, Inc.
Virage ControlCenter remotely controls and automates the SmartEncode process of simultaneous video capture
"Control Center allows us to design and implement even larger video cataloging systems while gaining more control and process automation capabilities. That's a great benefit to our customers to allow them to catalog more content without having to increase operational overhead."

Joe Gordon, CEO of Leading Edge Design Systems

Virage ControlCenter remotely controls and automates the SmartEncode process of simultaneous video capture, encoding and indexing for multiple VideoLogger applications. ControlCenter provides centralized, remote control over content coming into each VideoLogger. By managing multiple VideoLoggers concurrently, ControlCenter builds enormous efficiencies into the video streaming media workflow. ControlCenter allows users to scale their VideoLogger environment without adding overhead. ControlCenter has been engineered to allow maximum orchestration of mission-critical events with minimal online navigation. Single-point administration allows immediate access and control of a network of VideoLogger activity with the click of a mouse.

Virage ControlCenter:

  • Facilitates automation and control of the Virage SmartEncode process
  • Allows operation of large-scale VideoLogger deployments with maximum efficiency
  • Provides remote access for multiple VideoLogger installations, including media analysis software, from any web browser
  • Is designed for large-scale deployments of VideoLogger, running in a remote location with little to no user attendance

  • Increases operational efficiencies:

    1. Streamlines workflow process and reduces manual labor costs of converting
      broadcast feeds to digital format.
    2. Allows real-time VideoLogger availability and status monitoring.
    3. Provides convenient single-point administration.

Virage, Inc., 177 Boret Rd. Ste 520, San Mateo, CA 94402-3121. Tel: 650-573-3210; Fax: 650-573-3211.