Digital Video Delivery System
The system utilizes the company's Satellite Delivery System for high speed multi-point delivery of digitally encoded spots. Using MPEG-2 4:2:2 encoding, the system delivers a range of high-quality digital transmissions. The system automatically verifies the delivery of each spot transmitted and will provide a verification database accessible by advertisers via the Internet. The specialized store-and-forward technology allows for spot prioritization and can queue transmissions to arrive at their destinations on time.
The system has advantages over land-based delivery in that there are no lost or damaged tapes, according to the company. Advertising is available to recipients within hours of production.
Optionally, by incorporating the Broadcast MediaCluster, a network of directly connected computers operating as a single server, the system becomes an end-to-end solution for the delivery, scheduling, and play-to-air broadcasting of spots.
<%=company%>, 124 Acton St., Maynard, MA 01754 Phone: 978-897-0100 (Ext. 3098) Fax: 978-897-0132