
Digital Video Delivery System

Source: SeaChange International, Inc.
The SeaChange MediaExpress System is a digital video delivery system and service
SeaChange International, MediaExpress System is a digital video delivery system and service designed to provide delivery of digital video advertising to agencies, dub and ship houses, advertisers and broadcasters anywhere in the United States. The system is based on the company's products, which are used by cable television operators all over the world.

The system utilizes the company's Satellite Delivery System for high speed multi-point delivery of digitally encoded spots. Using MPEG-2 4:2:2 encoding, the system delivers a range of high-quality digital transmissions. The system automatically verifies the delivery of each spot transmitted and will provide a verification database accessible by advertisers via the Internet. The specialized store-and-forward technology allows for spot prioritization and can queue transmissions to arrive at their destinations on time.

The system has advantages over land-based delivery in that there are no lost or damaged tapes, according to the company. Advertising is available to recipients within hours of production.
Optionally, by incorporating the Broadcast MediaCluster, a network of directly connected computers operating as a single server, the system becomes an end-to-end solution for the delivery, scheduling, and play-to-air broadcasting of spots.

<%=company%>, 124 Acton St., Maynard, MA 01754 Phone: 978-897-0100 (Ext. 3098) Fax: 978-897-0132