Digital Video NLE System - Dimension.8
The Dimension.8 software offers editing features like true three-point insert / over-write / fit-to-fill editing, clip pinning and track locking and "drag & drop" editing. The clip grouping allows non-contiguous elements to be joined, moved or saved as a single element. A Project-oriented interface offers a full search & sort.
This product and it's hard drives reside on the host PC's system PCI bus. The Fully Visible File System allows the user to choose any network topology or protocol supported by the host PC. Clips are stored in native QuickTime. This product allows file sharing between PCs and applications without additional proprietary networking hardware or software.
<%=company%>, 1490 O'Brien Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Phone: 650-328-3818; Fax: 650-327-2511.