NewsKing allows the use of any OLE DB or ODBC compliant database. These databases can track thousands of scripts, e-mail, wires and Internet packages every single day.
Converting this data to scripts is handled by Microsoft Wordä which allows you to import and export a wide variety of file formats (rtf, ascii, html, etc.). Dynamic audio, video, captioning and graphic commands are fed directly to the intended device and triggered during the show using our special DNO's (Director's Note Objects). All automation is performed by Comprompter with no third party software needed. You only have one number to call for support.
NewsKing lets every reporter in the newsroom scan the wires and/or Internet for the stories that interest them. They can even set their own preferences and view the results right on their workstation.
Comprompter Inc., 1707 Main St., La Crosse, WI 54601. Tel: 608-785-7766; Fax: 608-784-5013.