
Web Video Manager

Source: Virage, Inc.
Syndication Manager 2.0, Virage's newest version of their video syndication application for the Web, allows companies to share video assets with authorized...
Syndication Manager 2.0, Virage's newest version of their video syndication application for the Web, allows companies to share video assets with authorized partners and now gives them complete control over content in a way that is specifically packaged to fit the needs of each partner while providing secure, efficient, bandwidth-friendly distribution.

Built on the company's Internet Video Application Platform, the Syndication Manager allows a content owner to classify content into packages and then assign them to any number of distribution affiliates. The content is selected by the owner and delivered automatically in any number of formats and bitrates to their associates, acting as an end-to-end solution for any company's online video content syndication needs. Through the use of the Video Application Server, content is also easily and quickly incorporated into a company's website in a way that maintains its design and integrates with its existing applications.

Syndication Manager 2.0 now offers the ability to create precise video packages by individual clip or categories of clips in a way that is specifically selected by the content owner and designed to target a particular viewing audience. Owners can decide what clip would be most effective for each affiliate, catering content packages to the viewer interest within distinct markets. In addition, reports generated specifically for each affiliate will give content owners the ability to track how many times each package is requested across the Web. The newest version also maintains control over content rights by imposing strict access rules for each clip package. Content can be restricted to specific websites and users. Owners can also place a limit on the number of plays allowed for each clip with a designated timeframe that the content is available. Upon playback, an authentication will guard against link stealing to protect the content owner's brand name. The new features make syndicating web video highly flexible, more secure and easier to control for both content owners and affiliates.

The new Syndication Manager 2.0 brings greater flexibility to deal structuring with added controls to protect access to content. New features will allow content owners to:
• Create specific video clip packages by individual clip or categories of clips
• Assign specific content packages to different affiliates
• Set rules for each package and determine how content can be accessed.

Virage, Inc., 177 Boret Rd. Ste 520, San Mateo, CA 94402-3121. Tel: 650-573-3210; Fax: 650-573-3211.